Welcome to my Home Page.  My hope is that you will become refreshed by viewing my ‘natural nature’ photography. It is proven that Mother Nature provides a truly wonderful escape from our daily routine, an escape that revitalizes our soul. So grab your favorite ‘comfort’ beverage, kick back and engage your senses. Imagine the moment the photo was taken, the aroma and sound of nature abound, the way the lighting allows you to focus on the scene in such a way you feel like you’re really there. This is the sensation that I hope you feel, the conscious awareness that nature can provide when we expose all our senses to that moment.

My home base of Manitowish Waters, WI provides me with plenty of opportunities to emerge into the wonderful ‘natural nature’ world. This ‘home’ opportunity, along with traveling to visit our beloved National Parks and finding sights and sounds of interest while traveling keeps me in focus and my camera clicking.

“May Nature’s Beauty Inspire Your Life”

Dennis Hill